Everything you need to know to apply to Transylvania University
At Transylvania, your safety is paramount. During this time, we are taking extra precautions to keep you and your family, as well as our faculty, staff and students safe. This means that the campus visit will feature several different expectations than it has previously.As of August 5, masks are required in common and public spaces inside buildings for all faculty, staff, students and visitors to campus regardless of vaccination status in response to the current public health situation and COVID-19 critical incidence rate in Fayette County. Fully vaccinated individuals may remove their mask in a personal office or meeting space while alone or when separated by six feet of distance. Please make sure you and your guests bring a mask or face covering with you for your tour experience. For more information and updates related to our university's response to COVID-19, please visit our Healthy at Transy updates. At any time, opening procedures or availability may change as needed to adapt with state guidance.
We are delighted that you plan to visit Transy! Pictures can show you our beautiful campus, but they only tell part of the story. Visiting is the only way to get a true feel for the spirit of our campus.What to Expect During Your Visit At Transylvania, your safety is paramount. During this time, we are taking extra precautions to keep you and your family, as well as our faculty, staff and students safe. This means that the campus visit will feature several different expectations than it has previously.>> Registration Tour times will be limited and available at varying times per day. Please check the calendar below. Each tour time is limited to two student registrants plus guests.Visit days will be added to the calendar a maximum of one week at a time in an effort to be sensitive to potential new state-wide regulations and orders based on COVID-19 developments. At any time, opening procedures or availability may change as needed to adapt with state guidance.>> Expectations While on Campus Students and family visitors will be expected to adhere to new Transylvania standards developed for all staff, faculty and students on campus to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 transmission. Requirements for the visit include:
You can read more visit expectations at our Healthy at Transy website.>> Features of the Tour The daily campus visit experience includes:
Optional virtual meetings may also be requested as part of your visit experience based on individual availability.>> How to Schedule
On the calendar below, select a preferred date and time and fill out the form when prompted. Please note that your arrival time may vary from the tour time you select based on the custom visit options you choose and the availability of our admissions and student staff. Prior to your visit, you will receive an itinerary email that will detail your arrival time, details about the visit and your full schedule. All visits are first come, first served and no exceptions outside of these tour times can be made.>> Advanced Notice and Cancellation/ReschedulingWe request a minimum of 48 hours notice of your intended date to visit to prepare your schedule. Each individual schedule is handcrafted by our staff and personalized for you and your family. Because of COVID-19, we must work with several on-campus partners such as housekeeping, to maintain cleanliness and prepare for each individual visit. We will do our best to accommodate your requests but cannot make any guarantees. If you are unable to attend a scheduled visit or you or a guest has begun to display COVID-19 related symptoms, please contact the office and notify our staff of your change of plans. You can contact the campus visit team by emailing visit@transy.edu or by calling (859) 233-8242.Options besides the Campus Visit We know that you and your family may still be reticent to explore a college campus during business hours. This is why we are providing several campus visit and admissions counselor meeting alternatives during this time: